Drip Irrigation – Banana


Banana is one of the few all-year-round fruit crops in India. It is second only to mango when it comes to annual production. Due to its all-year-round availability, banana cultivation requires large quantities of water. In winter, the crop requires irrigation at an interval of around 7-8 days. On the other hand, in summer, the frequency increases, requiring farmers to irrigate the crop at about 4-5 days.

India is the largest banana producer in the world. The country achieved a record banana production figure of 31 million metric tons in 2019. India is followed by China (around 11 million metric tons), the Philippines (9.2 million metric tons), Ecuador (approximately 7 million metric tons), and Brazil (about 6.9 million metric tons). In India, the top banana cultivating states include Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh.

India’s banana production has been on a consistent rise from 2015 to 2019. However, considering factors such as water scarcity, reducing rainfall, and prolonged dry spells, and weather vagaries, banana production in India may plummet in the years to come. Besides, the age-old banana cultivation techniques that involve the application of fertilizers in the form of pellets are another significant challenge in maintaining the upward production graph.

To help India stay at the top spot, retain crop quality, and increase its commercial value from the export point of view, Indian banana farmers need a sustainable solution. A lot of farmers have found the answer to these futuristic concerns through drip irrigation. Drip irrigation has helped them increase banana yield by around 15-32% and save over 52% water. Besides, improved quality and reduced costs have been other benefits.

As a farmer looking forward to growing more bananas in lesser investments than traditional banana farming techniques, reading this blog would help you. It discusses some of the significant aspects of banana drip irrigation, including the benefits of drip irrigation, the methods followed and results across various parameters involved in banana cultivation through drip irrigation.

What is Drip Irrigation?

At the outset, let us brush through the concept of drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is an innovative modern-age irrigation technique, involving the precision supply of water, nutrients to the crop root zone. Drip irrigation engages drip lines and emitters as a part of a well-designed, customized, and efficient drip system. Farmers worldwide are increasingly adopting drip irrigation to increase their yield, improve crop quality, and save water.

Benefits of Drip Irrigation for Banana Cultivation

Some of the benefits of drip irrigation, specific to the banana fruit crop, include the following.

1.       Increased Crop Yield

One of the foremost benefits of banana drip irrigation is significantly increased crop yield. Drip irrigation, coupled with mulching technology, has helped a lot of farmers grow their crop yield. Although the figures vary from region to region, farmers have achieved a crop yield increment in the range of 15-32%. The growth in the crop yield has been one of the significant reasons for an increase in the YoY banana profits of Indian farmers.

2.       Water-Savings

Drip irrigation proves a boon for banana cultivators struggling with reducing rainfall and drying up water reservoirs and a significant weapon in combating futuristic concerns such as water scarcity and increased food demands. Overall, there has been a water-saving of over 58-60%. It is a great achievement, especially in a country like India that has been living with the challenge of depleting water resources and scarcer rainfall.

3.       Improved Crop Quality

India exports millions of metric tons of banana every year. Hence, banana constitutes a critical aspect of the country’s agricultural economy. It makes banana fruit quality a crucial factor for banana cultivators from the commercial viewpoint. Drip irrigation supplies water and nutrients in the required quantities. It creates ideal growth conditions and thus a better fruit quality than conventional irrigation.

4.       Reduced Climate-Related Risks

Furthermore, precision irrigation is associated with lowering climate-related risks and factors detrimental to banana cultivation. It involves prudent and precise water use, thus helping farmers save water and reduce their dependencies on rainfall. So, farmers do not have to confront rainfall issues as much as they do while relying on conventional banana cultivation techniques that require water in abundance.

5.       Reduced Crop Investments

The precision use of water, nutrients, and resources results in reduced crop investments in the long run. It further translates into increased profits in the long run. Such a win-win situation can prove encouraging enough for other farmers to take up banana cultivation, along with the principal crop that they produce.

6.       Increase the Cultivable Land

Drip lines are set up in a way that helps farmers cover the entire cultivable land spread. This proves effective and beneficial against traditional banana farming that may not allow farmers to optimize the availability of the cultivable land, thereby restricting their annual banana production. In other words, precision irrigation enables farmers to make the most from every square foot of the cultivable land.

7.       Maintain Soil Moisture and pH

In conventional banana farming, the chances of water loss due to evaporation, soil moisture loss are high. However, drip irrigation reduces water loss due to evaporation and retains the required soil moisture levels by supplying water and nutrients to the crop root zone. Lower pH increases the risk of the disease Panama. Drip irrigation helps maintain ideal growing conditions, along with a pH of 6-7.5.

8.       Improved Irrigation Efficiency

Precision irrigation is a modern irrigation technique. Taking a step ahead and through some more investment, farmers can integrate drip irrigation with remote control and automation to improve irrigational efficiency. Besides, farmers do not have to step in the field every time to operate the irrigation systems. They can do so remotely with the help of their smartphones.

Methods Followed in Banana Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation may involve giving 15 l. / plant/ day from planting to the 4th month, 20 l. / plant/ day from the 5th month till shooting stage and then 25 l. plant/ day from shooting until 15 days before the harvest.

The methods followed in banana drip irrigation include the following.

1.       Single Line System: In this system, the spacing between plants is 1.5 X 1.5 m, and it involves the use of one lateral line and one dripper per plant.

2.       Double Line System: In the double line system, the line distance is 1 m, and that between two plants is 1.5 m. The distance between the two double lines is 1.8 m. It involves the use of one lateral and one dripper for two plants. However, the distance between the two lines may also be 2.1 X 2.4 m.

Important Technical Information Associated with Banana Crop Cultivation (Question and Answers)

1.       What kind of land do I need to cultivate banana?

Banana requires a land spread comprising medium to highly rich organic nutrient content. Besides, the land must have excellent water draining system and a pH of 6.5 to 7.5 to ensure optimal banana yield. Alkaline land, barren land must not be chosen for banana cultivation.

2.       Which are the major banana cultivation seasons?

Banana has two major cultivation seasons throughout the year. One is in June-July and the other one is on October-November. However, since recent years, Maharashtrian banana farmers have been cultivating banana throughout the year.

3.       How to prepare the land for banana cultivation?

-          Plow the land well for over 4-6 times and allow it to weather for two weeks.

-          Level the field by passing a blade harrow.

-          Form length wise and breadth wise plow furrows at the required spacing.

-          Dig the intersection of the plow furrows pits of size 0.6 m X 0.6 m X 0.6 m at the points designated for planting.

-          Mix well decomposed compost or farmyard manure with top soil to fill up the pits at the time of planting.

-          Add nematicides and fumigants to the pits where nematode growth is prevalent, before planting.

Note: Experts recommend a pit-size of 60 X 60 X 75 cm to plant banana suckers.

4.       What is the basal dose required for banana?

Here’s the basal dose for banana.




10 kg per plant

Single Loop Phosphate

250 gm per plant

Magnesium Sulphate

25 gm


10 gm

Neem Cake Fertilizer

200 gm

Carbon granules

Mix it in the soil before sowing


5.       How to select banana plants?

Here are a few considerations while choosing the best banana plants.

-          Select plants grown under  an appropriate tissue culture

-          Plants with 5-6 leaves and hardening pigment are most appropriate ones

-          Plants must be free from diseases and insects

-          Height of the plants must be around 30 cm.


6.       In how many days should you fill the banana crop?

Banana crop filling must be done within 75-90 days. Delaying it beyond 90 days can damage the roots and reduce the yield.

7.       Which drip irrigation system is the best for banana crop?

Netafim’s drip irrigation system is the best for banana crop. In land spreads with lighter soil 0.3 m dripper with 1-2 liters/ hour flow proves beneficial. On the other hand, for land spreads with medium soil, 0.4 m dripper with 2-3 liters/ hour flow must be selected.

8.       How to cure Bunchy Top in banana crops?

If you notice the onset of Bunchy Top in banana crops, you must uproot the tree and destroy it to avoid further spread. Besides, you must ensure interstitial spraying of application of insecticides at regular intervals.

9.       What to do after the banana bunch matures and you pluck the bananas?

After the banana bunch matures, and you pluck the bananas, spray 50 gm potassium phosphate in 10 liter water.

Banana Irrigation and Fertigation Schedule

Banana irrigation and fertigation schedule proves critical in achieving the highest levels of crop efficiency. Hence, farmers must ensure that they adhere to the banana irrigation and fertigation schedule laid down by the experts.


Farmyard Manure

Recommended Fertilizers (g NPK / plant/ year)

Drip Irrigation Schedule

Fertigation with Water Soluble Fertilizers

Biofertilizers/ Others

Remarks/ Additional Care/ Precautions

1.8 m X 1.8 m

25 t/ ha

200 : 100 : 200 (The requirement of P205, K20, and N for the ratoon crop remain same as that of the main crop)

To meet 80% ER, 20,-25 liters per day during summer and 50% less during the other months

Apply fertigation with 75% of RDF – nitrogen and potash in equal split doses and apply phosphorus during planting.

Apply a consortium of fertilizers, comprising 100 g each of Azotobacter tropicalis, bacillus aryabhatti, and pseudomonas taiwanensis



Netafim – Your Banana Drip Irrigation Partner

Netafim is a leading global drip irrigation company. The company has been helping banana cultivators with customized end-to-end drip irrigation solutions including designing, installing, and maintaining drip irrigation systems. Connect with Netafim for more information on banana drip irrigation and check out Netafim’s banana page to check out banana farmer Prabhat Machchi’s drip irrigation success story.
